Wednesday 13 December 2017

The Biggest Secret to Successful Writers

Writing is an art, and art takes years of practice, research, and knowledge. Here are some tips for all the writers out there.

Know Your Grammar

It probably doesn't come as a surprise to you to know that no matter what you write, you should have a basic grasp of how to construct a decent sentence.

That doesn't mean that you have to become a grammar Nazi, but it is helpful to know how various verbs and adverbs can help bring a sentence and scene to life, and how much is overkill. There are plenty of good free tutorials online on basic word structure. Ebookups can be used to learn the art of writing.

Plot Your Story

Fortunately, most short fiction doesn't have multiple angles or sub-plots. That means you can stick to one main plot or storyline. It helps to have a good character that readers want to root for, and enough conflict and drama to make the story interesting.

Most stories follow a pyramid structure where the tension escalates to a final climax near the end of the book when the hero finally realizes the solution to the problem before he or she saves the day.

This structure can work whether you are writing romance, thrillers, comedy, science fiction, or another genre. Visit Ebookups for reading your favorite books online.

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